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SWF 2.3.0

SWF 2.3.0

PhenixID Signing Workflow 2.3.0 improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your solution and is recommended for all installations.

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The highlights of the 2.3 release include the ability to delete signing errands and the possibility to anonymize the information about a specific user for GDPR compliance.

Deleting errands

All errands are saved in the SWF database for future reference, although the actual document can be deleted after a configured lifetime. Organizations might have policies to delete information about digital errands after a specific time. It could also be that errands that aren't successful (perhaps someone refused to sign) should be removed immediately to avoid clutter. In version 2.3, three different methods for deleting an errand have been added.

  • Scheduled jobs – configure the lifetime of errands for a specific state
  • Delete signing errand via GUI
  • Delete signing errand via API


Anonymizing signer

Signing errands in SWF database include information about the people set to sign, information that could include AD username, e-mail address or social security number (“personnummer”). General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by European Union in 2016 regulates the use and ownership of personal data. It includes the right for any person to be forgotten and have their information removed from any data storage.

To help the administrator to comply with GDRP, SWF 2.3.0 includes the possibility to anonymize a user. The administrator can execute a job to anonymize a user based on either UUID, personnummer, username or email address. At anonymization, errands including the user that has asked to be forgotten are updated and all information about this user are replaced with “anonymized”, however still present in the errand database. For example, a errand including users john.doe and jane.doe, where john.doe is anonymized will still be present but when opened it says that the signers are “jone.doe” and “anonymized”.

Improved functions

In addition, several features have received minor improvement including:

  • Added additional Java arguments for Hazelcast in the startup scripts to get the best performance results
  • Set notifyUser parameter via API
  • Minor GUI improvements

Bug fixes

  • IGA-434 Can’t change language
  • IGA-438 Empty defaultLanguage config value cause crash

Read the full release notes for Signing Workflow 2.3.0

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