PhenixID is proud to announce the new release of PhenixID Authentication Services (PAS) 4.5. The new release improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your solution, and is recommended for all installations.
The highlights for the 4.5 release include compliance to DIGG “Deployment profile for the Swedish eID framework”, animated QR code for BankID and WCAG 2.1 updates.
- Supporting DIGG’s “Deployment profile for the Swedish eID framework”
- PDF/XML signing cert key size < 4096b
- Animated QR code for BankID
- FrejaID authenticator scenario added (QR code, same device, other device)
- SQLImportTool for migrate from HSQLto MySQL/MSSQL
Improved functions
In addition, several features have received minor improvement including:
- Possible to configure userVisibleData for BankID identification just as with signing
- Configuration of GenerateJWTTokenValve target property name available
- WCAG 2.1 updates to Password Selfservice and MyApps
Read the full release notes for Authentication Services here:
Read full release